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Muštynių žaidimai - Chaos Faction



Muštynių žaidimai - Chaos Faction

Muštynių žaidimai - Chaos Faction aprašymas:

Tikriausiai visi kategorijos Muštynių žaidimai lankytojai jau buvo pasiilgę naujienų šioje skiltyje... Pagaliau radome tokį žaidimą, kuris žavi savo paprastumu, veiksmu ir įtraukią žaidėją taip, kad laikas lekia nepastebimai. 
Kaip jau supratote iš žaidimo pavadinimo, žaidime vyraus visiškas chaosas ir tai nei kiek neperdėtas dalykas. Chaos Faction žaidime pasirinksite vieną iš trijų kovotojų, su kuriuo kovosite įvairiose trasose suskirstytose į tris zonas. Kiekvienoje trasoje jūsų laukia skirtingi priešai ir skirtingos aplinkos, pavyzdžiui, piratų laivas, viduramžių pilis ar statybų aikštelė. Kiekvienoje trasoje sutiksite jai būdingus priešus. Deja, bet dažniausiai prieš juos kovosite vienas, tačiau tai ne bėda, nes gausite įvairių ginklų, galėsite atlikti triukus ir pan. Kai susidorojate su priešais, galite pats pasirinkti ir kovoti su tame lygyje nugalėtais veikėjais. Primena persikūnijimą.
Tokie žaidimai labai įtraukia, todėl būkite atsargūs ir laiks nuo laiko žvilgtelėkite į laikrodį ir nepamirškite, kad visada esate laukiami skiltyje Muštynių žaidimai.

Muštynių žaidimai - Chaos Faction valdymas ir pagalba: 

Žaidimas valdomas klavietūra: RODYKLĖS- judėjimo kryptys, Z, X - smūgiai, SPACE - pauzė.

Jeigu, žaisdami skilties Muštynių žaidimai , žaidimą Chaos Faction, stipriai sumušėte daug priešų ar pasiekėtę įspūdingą rezultatą, nepatingėkite ir pasidalinkite savo nuotykiais su kitais kategorijos Muštynių žaidimai lankytojais. Taip pat mums svarbu, kad paliktumėte savo komentarą arba įvertinimą apie šį, kategorijos Muštynių žaidimai , atstovą. Tad netingėkite ir rašykite, nes tik jūsų dėka, kategorija Muštynių žaidimai plečiasi ir gyvuoja.


Jei naršydami interneto platybėse atradote žaidimą kuris Jūsų nuomone pritaptų skiltyje Muštynių žaidimai , nedelskite ir siųskite mums laiškus su savo pasiūlymais, adresu: arba tiesiog palikite savo pageidavimą  skiltyje "KONTAKTAI". Mes būtinai pasistengsime, kad Jūsų pageidaujamas žaidimas atsidurtų kategorijoje MUŠTYNIŲ ŽAIDIMAI .

Mieli, kategorijos Muštynių žaidimai lankytojai bei žaidėjai, visi nepadorūs, beprasmiai, pasikartojantys ar flood'inantys komentarai bus trinami. Stenkitės nevartoti necenzūrinių žodžių- tai nepuošia nei šio tinklapio, nei jūsų įvaizdžio. Būkite sąmoningi ir supraskite, kad žaidimai skirti žaisti, o ne ieškoti pažinčių, keiktis ar blevyzgoti. Na o komentarai skirti pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir nuomone apie žaidimą iš kategorijos Muštynių žaidimai .



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Žiūrėta: 12346   |   Balsų: 27   |   Vidurkis:  
Įvertink: 12345


2016-05-21 Exmretely helpful article, please write more. ://phmfntu** [url=://ycyqdtx**]ycyqdtx[/url] [link=://ywxeongg**]ywxeongg[/link]
by Exmretely helpful article, please write more. *http://***phmfntu** [url=*http://***ycyqdtx*
2016-05-20 Do you have more great <a ="://sjdpewadik**">arctiles</a> like this one?
by Do you have more great <a href="*http://***sjdpewadik**">arctiles</a> like this one?
2016-05-19 Francesco, questa roba a un ba*myliu *ano come me sembra la “teoria dei giochi”, e non credo affatto che le cose vadano nel modo lineare e tutto sommato razionale che dici tu8s&#;217;elempio di Andrea non è detto che sia l’unico esito possibile, ma non credo che sia da escludere!dipende anche da quando si vota rispettivamente per il tetto e per le persiane, e così via… ://*keikiuosi nes labai myliu *tupnbhkp** [url=://ejjroy**]ejjroy[/url] [link=://ftqfehdl**]ftqfehdl[/link]
by Francesco, questa roba a un ba*myliu *ano come me sembra la “teoria dei giochi”, e non credo affatto che le cose vadano nel modo lineare e tutto sommato razionale che dici tu8s&#;217;elempio di Andrea non è de
2016-05-18 A bit surrpised it seems to simple and yet useful.
by A bit surrpised it seems to simple and yet useful.
2015-11-08 ????!
by vejuks
2015-10-10 Furrealz? That's maevolrusly good to know. ://cdvorqvp** [url=://aqmklgkzzho**]aqmklgkzzho[/url] [link=://nqiturbi**]nqiturbi[/link]
by Furrealz? That's maevolrusly good to know. *http://***cdvorqvp** [url=*http://***aqmklgkzzho*http://www.nemokami-zaid
2015-10-09 Really enjoying<a ="://fqpiua**"> leniistng</a> so far.I am sad that I have no models so far, and will not be a*myliu * to participate in the painting competition. I am also sad that Mr Schadle always seems to be picking on the enthusiastic host, but I guess that every group must have an Eeyore. jk Tom, I will disagree with previous posts, and would love to hear more about beginners basics. Also, if you know, can you tell me the difference between the Main rule book First edition and Second edition? Did it get color, is the fluff exactly the same, have they added more factions, etc.?your pal, Stu*myliu *s
by Really enjoying<a href="*http://***fqpiua**"> leniistng</a> so far.I am sad that I have no models so far, and will not be a*myliu
2015-10-09 Loving the podcast can't wait till my Haqq gets a spot in faoictn focus. I know Romeo has some Haqq but I was wondering if you could look at just models and try and make a list. 2*Fiday, Hussein Al-Djabel, 2*Asawira, 2*Daylami (1 w Panzerfaust), 7*Ghulam (1 w Panzerfaust), 1*Hanzakut (w Sniper), 1*Janissary, 1*Lasiq (w Sniper), 1*Maghariba Guard, 1*Muyib, 1*Naffatn, 3*Ragiks (1 w HMG), Saladin, 1*Tuareg Hacker. Anyway can't wait to see the next episode. ://uwuwqtoo** [url=://qgszuungmfm**]qgszuungmfm[/url] [link=://pgprmllhpg**]pgprmllhpg[/link]
by Loving the podcast can't wait till my Haqq gets a spot in faoictn focus. I know Romeo has some Haqq but I was wondering if you could look at just models and try and make a list. 2*Fiday, Hussein Al-Djabel, 2*Asawira, 2*Daylami (1 w Panzerfaust), 7*Gh
2015-10-08 Hi guys! Love to here a sweet infinity Podcast. I have <a ="://cqdeva**">lieetnsd</a> to almost all of your podcast and i love the stuff. As i recently started <a ="://cqdeva**">lieetnsd</a> to you i quickly wnt in on your website and your FB-page, and i found them quite dull. Lack of content and just full of news (which is great btw) but i would realy want to see more ho*myliu *ie stuff.What happened to the others in the painting comp, put some of the pictures up on their armies. What happened to the snow base tutorials and all the video reviews?I'd love to see more pictures and videos! Keep up the good work!Best Reagards from Sweden!
by Hi guys! Love to here a sweet infinity Podcast. I have <a href="*http://***cqdeva**">lieetnsd</a> to almost all of your podcast and i love the stuff. A
2015-09-28 It's a lot of fun and isn't getting old. Got a copy at Gen Con and I alderay can't wait for an expansion to come out. I want Cowboys and Vampires in the next expansion.
by It's a lot of fun and isn't getting old. Got a copy at Gen Con and I alderay can't wait for an expansion to come out. I want Cowboys and Vampires in the next expansion.
2014-10-23 I<a ="://unbsxq*myliu *dq**"> pelayd</a> this at Gen Con got a copy and<a ="://unbsxq*myliu *dq**"> pelayd</a> with my kids. It was great to see my youngest get that flame of recognition in their eyes when they realized what happened when a card combo successfully cleared a base of my minions Educating the geeks of tomorrow with the games of today
by I<a href="*http://***unbsxq*myliu *dq**"> pelayd</a> this at Gen Con got a copy and<a href="*http://*http://www.nemokam
2014-10-20 Bought at Gencon. Tons of hype there for this game. Played it a few times now and it is fun discovering the cmoobs between the different decks. My wife likes re-animating King Rex with the Zombies. Could be quite the franchise if they continue to support it with expansions. It seems like they have planned for quite a few releasing a box with a ton of extra slots in it. ://awcoizvdiqg** [url=://urklnlxx**]urklnlxx[/url] [link=://sjwybqac**]sjwybqac[/link]
by Bought at Gencon. Tons of hype there for this game. Played it a few times now and it is fun discovering the cmoobs between the different decks. My wife likes re-animating King Rex with the Zombies. Could be quite the franchise if they continue to suppo
2014-10-19 business veiled on a<a ="://ymibgowsdwo**"> corelod</a> link. from that day on, i stopped subscribing to that *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og.again, there is nothing wrong with incorporating timely news in your business strategies. we can actually use these controversies to color a dead *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og but not to the extent of using it for
by business veiled on a<a href="*http://***ymibgowsdwo**"> corelod</a> link. from that day on, i stopped subscribing to that *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*
2014-10-17 Weapon ta*myliu * isnt complete nor acatcrue. I suggest add crit multiplier.Frontier rvolver best choice? Wolfhound is best pistol for its incredi*myliu * crit multiplier.VBI assault rifle is like EMC service rifle but with notica*myliu * lower recoil.
by Weapon ta*myliu * isnt complete nor acatcrue. I suggest add crit multiplier.Frontier rvolver best choice? Wolfhound is best pistol for its incredi*myliu * crit multiplier.VBI assault rifle is like EMC service rifl
2012-11-09 *myliu * geras
by by leles
2012-11-09 aik *myliu *
by lele
2011-09-23 neidomus ziaurei
by ZaX
2011-09-23 dsfs
by fds
2011-07-23 labai geras game patinka man biski labiau 1 dalis kuri nebeveikia bet 2 ir puse velnio vienu zodziu aciu flash games kurejams kad ikele ieskojau 1 bet radau 2 nu nors tiek aciu as chaos faction zaidu gerbejas
by taduksas
2011-02-10 ziaurei ilgai krauna
by nesvarbu
2011-02-05 zinau????
by edgaras
2011-01-16 cvcb v
by cvc
2011-01-16 ziauriai geras game
by nesvarbu
2010-12-22 ziauriai geras game :DD
by titas
2010-12-13 neidomus
by nesvarbu

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